To run text automatically around the picture in an active picture box, choose this.
To control manually the way text flows around the picture in an active picture box, choose this. Drag, create, and delete handles on the runaround polygon to customize the runaround.
To control manually the way text flows around the picture in an active picture box, choose this. Unavailable because a picture box containing a picture is not active.
To control manually the way text flows around the picture in an active picture box, choose this. Drag, create, and delete handles on the runaround polygon to customize the runaround.
To print TIFF and EPS pictures as usual, choose this. OPI comments are not included for either format.
To print TIFF and EPS pictures as usual, choose this. OPI comments are not included for either format.
To replace TIFF pictures with OPI comments in the file, choose this. OPI comments are not included for EPS pictures.
To replace TIFF pictures with OPI comments in the file, choose this. OPI comments are not included for EPS pictures.
To replace both TIFF and EPS pictures with OPI comments in the files, choose this.
To replace both TIFF and EPS pictures with OPI comments in the files, choose this.
To place the first line of text according to the First Baseline specification, choose this.
To place the first line of text according to the First Baseline specification, choose this.
To center lines of text between the First Baseline specification and the Text Inset at the bottom of the box, with lines spaced according to the applied leading value, choose this.
To center lines of text between the First Baseline specification and the Text Inset at the bottom of the box, with lines spaced according to the applied leading value, choose this.
To position lines of text so that the descent of the last line abuts the Text Inset at the bottom of the box, choose this.
To position lines of text so that the descent of the last line abuts the Text Inset at the bottom of the box, choose this.
To place the first line on the First Baseline and the descent of the last line flush with the Text Inset at the bottom of the box, with the remaining lines spaced evenly between them, choose this.
To place the first line on the First Baseline and the descent of the last line flush with the Text Inset at the bottom of the box, with the remaining lines spaced evenly between them, choose this.
Enables you to specify the way in which QuarkXPress applies trapping.
Enables you to specify QuarkXPress default settings for the measurement system, frame and guide placement, etc.
Enables you to specify typographic default settings for leading, ligatures, baseline grids, etc.
Enables you to specify default settings for the Zoom tool and the item creation tools.
To prevent QuarkXPress from automatically updating pictures that have been modified since you last opened a document, check this.
To prevent QuarkXPress from automatically updating pictures that have been modified since you last opened a document, check this.
To specify that QuarkXPress automatically update pictures that have been modified since you last opened a document, choose this. When you open a document, QuarkXPress reimports modified pictures.
To specify that QuarkXPress automatically update pictures that have been modified since you last opened a document, choose this. When you open a document, QuarkXPress reimports modified pictures.
To specify that QuarkXPress display an alert before updating pictures that have been modified since you last opened a document, choose this.
To specify that QuarkXPress display an alert before updating pictures that have been modified since you last opened a document, choose this.
To keep modified master items when you apply a new master page to a document page, choose this.
To keep modified master items when you apply a new master page to a document page, choose this.
To delete modified master items when you apply a new master page to a document page, choose this.
To delete modified master items when you apply a new master page to a document page, choose this.
To specify a style for the active line, choose an option from this pop-up menu.
To specify the style of the rule, choose an option from this pop-up menu.
To specify the style of the rule, choose an option from this pop-up menu.
To specify endcaps for the active line, choose an option from this pop-up menu.
Displays the last document page displayed before a master page was displayed.
Displays the last document page displayed before a master page was displayed.
To hyphenate using the method in previous versions of QuarkXPress, choose this. Can be used to prevent reflow; this is the default for documents created in versions prior to 3.1.
To hyphenate using the method in previous versions of QuarkXPress, choose this. Can be used to prevent reflow; this is the default for documents created in versions prior to 3.1.
To hyphenate using the improved method available in this version of QuarkXPress, choose this.
To hyphenate using the improved method available in this version of QuarkXPress, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its endpoints, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its endpoints, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its left endpoint, its angle, and its length, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its left endpoint, its angle, and its length, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its center point, its angle, and its length, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its center point, its angle, and its length, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its right endpoint, its angle, and its length, choose this.
To describe the active line using the coordinates of its right endpoint, its angle, and its length, choose this.
Enables you to specify QuarkXPress default settings for display, scrolling, saving documents, etc. Changes you make to Application Preferences apply to all new and existing documents.